Frogtoboggan - Frogtoboggan Meets the Unpaid Professionals

Frogtoboggan Meets the Unpaid Professionals


Formats Tracks Price Buy
Download Album (WAV) 7 tracks £7.00
Download Album (MP3) 7 tracks £7.00
Download individual tracks From £0.90


Frogtoboggan - Frogtoboggan Meets the Unpaid Professionals


"...walks the tightrope between folk, classical and ambient with impressive ease." - The Broken Face

"Frogtoboggan isolates the listener with sparse fluted instruments (fitted with garden hose extension no less) that call to mind pagan ritual performed in the dark of night far from the eyes of the conservatively theological..." - Aural Pressure

"..sounds like a trip to various levels of existence with the complete composition unfolding the stairway between them..." -Psyche Van Het Folk


Download Album (ACD001)
  1. 1st Invocation
  2. Solstice
  3. Almost Ahead
  4. 2nd Invocation
  5. Loose Canon
  6. Vapor
  7. Thelema at Various Stations